- DozentIn: Maxime Brandts
- DozentIn: Maria Grammenou
- DozentIn: Maxime Brandts
- DozentIn: Tim Meyer
- DozentIn: Maxime Brandts
- DozentIn: Maria Grammenou
- DozentIn: Andreas Venhorst
- DozentIn: Florian Beaudouin
- DozentIn: Tim Meyer
For this course, we will meet the first time on November 2nd. Those ones of you who cannot be in Saarbrücken at that time will be able to participate online (via Teams). Please, indicate to me via e-mail (tim.meyer@mx.uni-saarland.de) if you can attend or not. During this first session we will distribute topics for the remaining semester. Your task will be to prepare one of these topics as an educational session for your co-students. It is mandatory to include at least 2 seminal studies for this topic into your presentation. They should be described in detail and their relevance explained. The presentation will be rated and counts for 60% of the final grade. Until the end of February, it is your second task to write a 5 page textbook summary for your topic which then counts for 40% of the final grade.
As soon as I have an overview of the potential number of participants I will outline a list with topics and dates for which you have to indicate your 1st, 2nd and 3rd preference.
- DozentIn: Anne Hecksteden
- DozentIn: Tim Meyer