- DozentIn: Barbara Gärtner
- DozentIn: Tim Meyer
- Infectious agents and modes of transmission
- Types of immune response
- General principles of infection prevention (including vaccination)
- Documented infectious outbreaks in sport
- Skin infections
- Airborne infections and elite sport
- Covid-19 and elite sport
- GI infections (fecal-oral transmission) and elite sport
- Vector-borne infections and elite sport
- Parenteral infections and elite sport
- DozentIn: Barbara Gärtner
- DozentIn: Silke Mahler
- DozentIn: Tim Meyer
- DozentIn: Florian Beaudouin
- DozentIn: Silke Mahler
- DozentIn: Tim Meyer
This course will be about all relevant hygiene aspects in high-performance sport. After an introduction with explanations about various infectious agents from the course leader, case reports from the scientific literature will be utilized to illustrate dangers from infections, their transmission routes and appropriate preventive actions. Case reports will be presented and discussed by participating students. Second obligatory task to pass the course will be the production of a textbook chapter about the topic that has been presented (max. 5 pages until August 31st).
Teams link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3ae694063599a24f81a3bec1a9f3fc8f84%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=859f7804-3810-4f7a-a366-dd081ace4fbf&tenantId=67610027-1ac3-49b6-8641-ccd83ce1b01f
- DozentIn: Florian Beaudouin
- DozentIn: Silke Mahler
- DozentIn: Tim Meyer