The course will deal with a selection of topics in analytic ethics and practical philosophy in general. It will thus make you acquainted with a wider range of questions than a more conventional, monothematic course does.
It is vital for the sessions that everybody be prepared and able to contribute. Please take part in this course only if you are willing to plough through the texts for each session and talk about them in the session: to summarize them, to ask and answer questions about them, etc.
Credit points: There will be a written exam, consisting of one question from every (or almost every) area we covered, on one of the Mondays towards the end of the term. The questions will be in English; you can reply in English or German, as you like.
This text about the course has been written in January 2020. It will be up-dated in Moodle. Versions of this text that you do not read in Moodle may well be out of date.
Zeit: Montag 16:00 - 19:15
Ort: Gebäude A2.3, Raum 0.09
- DozentIn: Christoph Fehige
- DozentIn: Ursula Wessels