
Biomedical Polymers / BioMed

  • Fundamentals and classes of biomaterials. Introduction to biomedical polymers
  • Non degradable synthetic polymers for medical appli-cation (Polyolefins, silicones, fluorinated polymers, acry-lates)
  • Degradable synthetic polymers for medical applications (polyesters, polyurethanes)
  • Synthetic hydrogels (PEG, PVA, PHEMA, silicone hydrogels
  • Natural polymers for medical applications (alginates, gelatine, chitosan)
  • Hydrogels, microgels, interpenetrated networks
  • Medical fibers and textiles
  • Protein adsorption on biomaterials. Biofouling. Non-biofouling materials
  • Host-material interactions, biocompatibility, immuno-genicity, thrombogenicity
  • Exercises: Design criteria for polymers for biomedical applications and case studies
  • Exercises: Presentation of biomedical devices contain-ing biomedical polymers. Properties, design and alter-native materials.

BioMed with exercises:

  • Attendance time lecture 20 h (2 SWS, WS)
  • Attendance time exercise 10 h
  • Preparation and follow-up, exam preparation 60 h
  • Total (3 CP) 90 h

For registration, the following information is needed:
- Your full name
- Student's registration number (Matrikelnummer)
- Area of studies (Biotechnology, Biophysics, Chemistry, etc.)
- Your student's mail address (necessary for registration in Moodle)

Send them to Martina Bonnard: martina.bonnard@leibniz-inm.de

If you have any questions regarding the lecture, please get back to Martina Bonnard, as well. Always happy to help!

Registration BioMed WS 20/21
Registration BioMed WS 20/21