
The Educational technology for the classroom course is an elective advanced seminar. You will find the material to read and the exercises on Moodle. 

Learning Goals / Competencies

In the Educational Technology for the Classroom seminar, the students
  • Obtain an overview of tools for teaching and learning
  • Acquire a critical understanding of the application of learning hard- and software in the classroom
  • Know the possibilities that digital technology offers to enhance self-regulated and collaborative learning (especially in relation to the potentials of scripts for the orchestration of learning scenarios, of feedback and awareness tools, and of multimedia learning) and for task design within a classroom environment

Module Content

The virtual seminar Educational Technology for the Classroom covers the following topics
  • Discussion tasks for a critical understanding of the application of technology in the classroom, including legal and practical barriers for the use of media
  • Multimedia presentation techniques on interactive whiteboards.
  • Design of technology-supported classroom scripts
  • Testing and orchestration of different social learning arrangements with the help of different social media and mobile devices
  • Exchange of experiences with teaching staff and educational technologists
  • Conception of a technology-based teaching unit in different subjects
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