Enrolment options

The lectures are an introduction to that part of philosophy, called "practical", that is concerned with actions and things in their neighbourhood (e.g., desires, decisions, intentions, policies). Practical philosophy asks how to describe and explain these items, but also how to assess them – most notably, how to assess them as rational or irrational and how to assess them morally: as morally good or bad or morally right or wrong.

There is only one kind of exam associated with these lectures, a written final exam. The exam will take place on one of the Thursdays towards or after the end of the lecture period (and then again – a second opportunity – on one of the Thursdays before the lecture period of the winter term 2022/23).

There will be a wealth of additional information about the lectures as the summer term approaches. This text about the course has been written in January 2022. It will be up-dated in Moodle. Versions of this text that you do not read in Moodle may well be out of date.

These lectures are open to everybody, no registration required. If you have access to the UdS Moodle system, you're all set; just click on the Moodle course page of these lectures there, and you're on board.

There is also an "Übung zu 'Introduction to Practical Philosophy'", which is a compagnon course to the lectures.  A high-octane regime of weekly exercises covers the topics that are covered in the lectures. Some exercises are autodidactic; for other exercises, written responses that are handed in receive individual responses. Taking part is strongly recommended to those who take part in the lectures. In order to keep things seamless and simple, the logistics of the "Übung" (discussion, exercises, handing in, feedback) have been integrated into the UdS-Moodle course page of the lectures themselves. In order to take part in the Übung, just walk into the UdS-Moodle course page of the lectures, spot the interactive components (esp. the exercises), and jump into the action.

Time: Thursday 4pm-6pm (16-18Uhr)
Place: Gebäude E2 5 - Hörsaal III (0.03)

Self enrolment (TeilnehmerIn)
Self enrolment (TeilnehmerIn)