
Content: These lectures are an introduction to that part of philosophy, called “practical”, which is concerned with actions and things in their neighbourhood (e.g., desires, decisions, intentions, policies). Practical philosophy asks how to describe and explain these items, but also how to assess them – most notably, how to assess them as rational or irrational or as morally good or bad.

Exercise scheme: Most of the tutoring for these lectures happens electronically, in the form of weekly voluntary exercises. You hand in answers per e-mail a few days after each lecture and will receive, also per e-mail, a response by a tutor. Participation in this scheme is strongly recommended, not least because the questions in the final exam will be of a similar character (and so is a large portion of philosophy in general).

Additional tutoring, Thursday after 17:45: The electronic tutoring will be supplemented by the following opportunities. (i) On almost all Thursdays, both the tutor and the professor will be available to answer questions right after the lecture, for a serious stretch of time if required. (ii) For some Thursdays, we may schedule a full-fledged 90-minute tutorial session right after the lecture; we need to remain flexible about those sessions, scheduling them when we feel they are needed, but any session will take place right after the lecture and will be announced at least five days in advance.

Exam: There is only one kind of exam associated with these lectures, a written final exam. You can answer the questions in the final exam in German if you like. It will not influence your grade whether you answer in English or in German. The exam will take place on the last Thurday on the lecture period: Thu 18 July, 2019. (There will be a second opportunity in October 2019.)

Zeit: Donnerstag 16-18 Uhr
Ort: Geb. E2 5 - Hörsaal II (0.02)
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