Enrolment options

Hello Edutechlers and welcome to the EduTech Tips & Basics page.

Here, you will find microlearning units that have been created by former EduTech students in the Instructional Design II class.

These courses are an excellent resource for you both before and during your studies.

Courses such as 'A Backpacker's Guide to Self-Regulated Learning' or 'Universal Design' teach you about popular topics in the EduTech world, while others such as 'Scientific Writing', 'Graphic Design & Multimedia Learning', 'A manual for ChatGPT', 'Crafting Coverletter', 'How-to create a digital portfolio', 'Mastery quality assessment', 'Replication crisis training' and 'Project management' provide you with skills necessary for your academic and professional career. Finally, courses like 'Easy Guide to Wiki Page Creation' and 'Intro to Intro to Python' help you prepare for some of your EduTech Courses. 

So take a careful look at these courses, not only to gain knowledge from their content but to see where one of your own future projects will end up!

Self enrolment (TeilnehmerIn)
Self enrolment (TeilnehmerIn)