
The Empirical Research Methods III - Process analysis course is a 3rd-semester elective advanced seminar. You will find the material to read and the exercises on Moodle. Ask your teacher to register you on the Moodle course.

Learning Goals / Competencies

In the seminar Empirical Research Methods III - Process analysis, the following learning goals are pursued
  • Students understand the rationale of and review typical studies involving process analyses.
  • Students learn how to conduct and interpret multimodal process analyses with a focus on content/discourse analysis.
  • Students familiarize themselves with relevant concepts of learning processes

Module Content

The seminar Empirical Research Methods III; Process analysis focuses on

- Theoretical background of argumentative knowledge construction, and Analysis of argumentative knowledge construction

  • Unit of analysis
  • Sampling
  • Segmentation
  • Coding
  • Reliability
  • Validity
  • Think-aloud protocols
  • Automatic discourse analysis
  • Multimodal analysis
  • Motivation and emotion

- Exemplary studies building on process analyses - Related concepts and foci

  • Knowledge convergence
  • Transactivity
  • Embodied cognition
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