
Impulsvortrag im Bereich Bürgerkompetenzin Kooperation mit der Professur für North American Literary and Cultural Studies (Prof. Dr. Astrid Fellner) und dem UniGR-Center for Border Studies

Zeit: 03.06.2020, von 12:00-14:00 Uhr

Ort: Campus A4 4, Raum 2.42

Referent: Prof. Massimiliano Demata, Universität Turin

This lecture will address the discursive strategies at the basis of the discourses about Brexit, the key populist event in modern Great Britain. Drawing from the vast and ever-increasing textual (including visual) production regarding the Brexit referendum and its aftermath, Massimiliano Demata will analyse the most important discourse topics underlying the po-litical and media narratives around Brexit in the light of a critical approach to discourse analysis. The lecture will focus on those structures of language which have foregrounded nativism and national identity central in the context of the populist narratives celebrating Britain’s “independence” and exit from the EU.

Selbsteinschreibung (TeilnehmerIn)
Selbsteinschreibung (TeilnehmerIn)